Text Teach Mode = Chat

Christian Stredicke
CEO of Vodia Networks

Almost unnoticed by the public, websocket enabled real-time interaction between the browser client and the web server.
I remember in the year 2001, we were desperately trying to push notifications to the web browser. At that time, the only way to get this working was to use an Adobe Flash plugin that was able to open a socket and talk to the server. Sitting on top of that, we could update the browser window when a call came it.
Now in the year 2015, this has become so easy. Because the websocket support was so well designed it is not even necessary to sugar coat the feature with jQuery or other frameworks. Instead of exposing the websocket, those frameworks expose higher level functionality.
Showing ongoing calls is not a mainstream task that you will find on regular web pages. Therefore we had to code that from the ground up ourselves and include it in the PBX.
However showing a chat window where one user can send instant messages to another user has become a standard feature. In the next version (5.2.6) we will include such a chat feature.
This is not an attempt to compete with such mainstream messengers like WhatsApp or Line. The goal is that users in the same domain are a work group that does not need an explicit invitation to a social network. Instead, it is a simple, quick way to extent the voice communication to web-based chat for those users who are logged in through the web browser. Typical examples are call centers that need to provide some “out of band” information about callers that are being transferred or a training providing additional information about an ongoing call. This is similar to the teach mode where this kind of information is provided on the audio tracks.

Those who would like to see a preview are welcome to try out the beta images that we provide from time to time. For more information as always contact us.