Button finetuning

Christian Stredicke
CEO of Vodia Networks
Vodia PBX UI

Not a big surprise, after releasing the new button profiles in 60.0 we got some feedback from users. My feeling is that mostly the new button handling was largely welcome. There were essentially three improvements with the buttons.

  • CSV handling. Migrating button profiles can be done a lot faster using text representation. In the previous versions, buttons could already be represented in text form. Though there is no 1:1 translation, editing CSV files is a lot faster than clicking through the through the web interface.
  • Group pickup. When monitoring a extension BLF for a group, the PBX did not offer a pickup when the extension was ringing because of a group call. This was done because users should be aware about group calls, otherwise it would be a problem for example if someone accidentally picks up a priority customer group. However the feedback was that in many cases it is ok to pick up calls even for groups, so we have added a flag in the hunt and the ACD groups that enable this.
  • Parameters. Why not use the placeholder syntax in the button parameters? This could be used for example to provision the cell phone number into the redirection mode, so that customers can easily switch between their cell phones and their desktop phones. Maybe other ideas will follow. Do far we have added the {cell} placeholder for the first cell phone of the user and the {account} for the extension number of the user.

We have made 60.0.2 this morning, which includes those three changes.