New website

Vodia Networks
Vodia Networks Team
Vodia Site

We have worked in the past weeks to come up with a new web site. The old page has become a little outdated, and there was simply too much on the same URL. We have separated the Vodia web presence from the backend, and are now using a CMS which will make it easier to maintain the site.

The PBX talks to the backend using several URL, including, and This is because we went through different iterations of the TLS protocol and different certificates. I believe that we can keep for the long term and eventually and slowly phase out the other sites as customers are upgrading their systems.

The new website is the administrative part of the old web site. There users can manage their licenses and also purchase and extend existing licenses. It will have less focus on fancy images, but more on delivering whatever needs to be done with the licenses.

The transition was bumpy over the last few days. I hope we are sailing smooth waters soon again and everything is working as it should.