Skyetel lP based authentication with the Vodia PBX phone system

Hamlet Collado
Marketing & Sales at Vodia Networks
Vodia and Skyetel

skytele logo

Skyetel is a great SIP trunk provider, offering the ability to bill customers based on the tenant name on the Vodia PBX phone system. You can now easily configure your Skyetel SIP trunk with the Vodia PBX trunk template.   Navigate to Tenant ---> SIP trunk, click on Add and choose Skyetel, then press Create.

Vodia skytele trunk


skyetel sip trunk


Vodia multi-tenant Billing with Skyetel

If you are running the Vodia multi-tenant PBX, you can use Skyetel to maintain an accurate call record for each of your customers. This makes it possible to have hundreds of tenants and bill them accordingly based on the tenant domain name on the Vodia PBX. 

The Skyetel trunk template is already configured to send the tenant information to Skyetel's network. This means you will need to name the tenant that's on the Vodia PBX phone system to be the same on the Skyetel's administrator portal under tenant ---> manage

Create a tenant on the Vodia PBX

Click on the list of domains then press create a new tenant, we will name our tenant domain "" 

vodia domain name


Creating the Tenant name on Skyetel

Next, we will navigate to our Skyetel GUI and add our tenant account ID. Navigate to Tenants then Manage. Enter your customer information, under the account, enter the Vodia PBX tenant created on the PBX, then add the customer's address info and save. 

skytel tenant

Multi-tenant Billing 

Here's an example output of the SIP invite that will show the tenant information that will be forward to Skyetel for accurate billing. The Vodia PBX will show the tenant information under X-Tenant which should match the tenant on the Skyetel network. 

INVITE;user=phone SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK-7befecb114dbf40e009fdcc0d3897dd9;rport
From: <>;tag=1146511906
To: <;user=phone>
Call-ID: 1ac78780@pbx
CSeq: 23999 INVITE
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:9782666987@;transport=tcp>
Allow-Events: refer
Supported: 100rel, replaces, norefersub
Accept: application/sdp
User-Agent: Vodia-PBX/68.0.1
P-Asserted-Identity: <>
Remote-Party-ID: <>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 301